Ibiza Foils was the world’s first authorised eFoil reseller and rental centre, bringing Lift eFoils to the public in Europe and the Middle East.

Lift Foils

logo lift black 600x311 1



Vayu Wing Foils

Vayu Logotype



Awake Electric Surfboards

Awake WoB



Tropicana Beach Club – IBIZA FOILS beach access, for rentals and lessons, Ibiza

tropicana logo



Marina Marbella – IBIZA FOILS showroom in Marina Botafoch, Ibiza

marina marbella ibiza



Ineos Yachting

ineos britannia



Efoil Club – Mallorca

efoil club



Fly Surf – Holland

FLYSURF LOGO 07 366x108 1
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