About Lift Efoil
Fly above water
The Lift eFoil leverages advances in lithium battery technology and wireless communication to create an experience that’s a mix of surfing, flying, and deep-powder snowboarding.
2023 means LIFT4 is here with redesigned edges and water release points for a
smooth and stable ride.

Introducing the new generation of Liftefoil
- Refined Shape. With the reduced length and decreased mass in the board’s nose, there’s less swing weight when carving a turn from side-to-side, so the rider feels enhanced response and more control. The result: a board that offers the best combination of stability and performance.
- Lighter and stronger carbon fiber that makes it 50% stronger.
- The LIFT4 allows you to ride for two hours at >30mph on a90-minute charge, for the longest and fastest ride yet.
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2023 WINGS Lineup
- The SURF V2 WINGS. This range of wings is “mid aspect,” meaning that the wingspan offers a true balance between efficiency and turning, working for multiple foil disciplines. Whether surf ing, eFoiling, or sailing, our new mid aspect lineup lowers resistance and increases your ability to carve an aggressive turn.
- The HIGH ASPECT WINGS have undergone a few tweaks for ultimate responsiveness, with a smaller size added to broaden the lineup. These wings are ultra-tuned for performance, so we encourage entry-level riders to start with the surf lineup.
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2023 MAST Lineup
- The 2023 masts come in four sizes all-carbon-fiber and they perform better than ever. The masts may not look too different from previous generations, but Lift has fine-tuned the construction with a new proprietary premium carbon fiber blend for improved control and response.
- This generation of Lift masts offers a truly premium ride experience. Materials like aluminum feel dead when you carve a turn, and more rudimentary carbon f iber just isn’t the same.
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The LIFT4 is available in the same
board sizes as the LIFT3 but boasts
some key differences.
- The ELITE HAND CONTROLLER. Carbon fiber with a soft rubber grip, configurable hand strap to give you absolute control, customizable color display screen. Integrated rechargeable battery for extended riding time and a precision GPS to collect and display speed and distance stats.
- The ELITE PROPULSION. It features a design that allows the prop and shroud to be swapped in seconds. You can replace the shroud with an included tail cone for more control and longer ride times. The new prop is more streamlined with less weight, giving the LIFT4 more battery life. The prop can also be swapped with the Lift folding prop in seconds .
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Safety Features
- The engine shuts off if the throttle is released, if the controller is submerged in water, or if it´s more than 10 feet or 3 meter from the eFoil.
- When the battery is low, it will automatically throttle back to low power to get the rider and the eFoil back to shore safely.
- For added safety, the battery can disconnect automatically from the system when needed.
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